Software Architecture and Calculi 2018-19

Perfil de Métodos Formais em Engenharia de Software

Dep. Informática, Universidade do Minho


This course is focussed on formal models and calculi for different sorts of software architectures, emphasising reactive and quantum systems.


* The specific variant chosen for each course edition may vary


Please recall that the lectures scheduled for 4 and 11 April, will be replaced by a whole day session on quantum computation, including the practical, hands-on session with Qiskit, in the contex of the Quantum Days 2019.

The Quantum Days 2019 workshop will continue on Friday, 12 April, as you may check in the programme. You are most welcome to attend this second day, although this is not part of the AC course. Only the first day corresponds to formal lectures in the AC course.

Although participation is free of charge, please register here until March 31, so that coffee breaks are suitably ordered. Do this even if you intend to be present only in the fisrt day. Thanks.

Summaries (2018-19)


Test and Exams